Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ways to Clean a Dirty Earphone Jack.

Well, if you have not cleaned your earphone port because you merely quit thinking of how you can in fact clean such a small port, then you do not need to stress as pointed out here are a few of the simplest and most basic approaches you can follow to clean your phone's port:

Compressed Air.

Alright, so this one of the most convenient ways you can clean your phone's earphone port is utilizing a pressurized can of air. You can quickly find one at your local Best Buy. Compressed air cans have thin and small tubes connected to their mouth which, when launched, blow pressurized air directly into the earphone port, eliminating any dust or lint.

Cotton bud.

Utilizing a cotton bud is another way of efficiently cleaning your earphone port. All you need to do is remove little cotton from the stick up until it can fit inside the port. Spray a bit of alcohol on the swab and begin cleaning up the port. In this manner you can ensure a deep clean of the port. The majority of people try to consistently place their earphones pins to remove dust or dirt however that does not do anything and can really harm the port.

Paper Clips.

The next best option is to use a paper clip as it is both thin and does not have a sharp end if you do not have swabs. You can quickly use the suggestion of the pin to scrape out bits and pieces of persistent lint and dust particles which a cotton bud typically will not secure. You can even place some sticky tape at the end of the pointer so that the dust stays with the pin.

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